‘Always Forward’ Nascar

Always Forward is a Nascar Commercial celebrating 75 years of Nascar. DIrected by Mark Jenkinson, this fum, action packed, yet emotional video was filled with a couple of banging shots. Let’s have look:

The Push Pass

  • A Very wide frame, possibly on 24mm

  • Camera is moving in opposite direction as vehicles

  • Vehicles moving at spee

  • Camera shake added

Low Angle Follow Through

  • Wide angle

  • Camera is tracking subject

  • Secondary car moves from right lane to left and lines up with Car 1

  • Low angle close to groumd

Interior Pan

  • Camera almost perpendicular to driver

  • camera quick pans from left to right

  • Light coming from far window

Gimbal track

  • Gimbal/steadicam movement

  • camera moves from left to right while car moves into frame from the right

  • Smoke for transition

Push Pass

  • Camera moves forward while vehicle passes by in opposite direction

  • camera level to car

  • camera moving into car for a more dynamic shot

Tracking shot

  • Simple tracking shot

  • Car moves closer to frame as camera maintains same speed

  • Car moves left to right quickly for a more dynamic shot

  • Camera level to car

Foreground shot

  • Vehicle passes in background as subec is in focus on the foregroud following the car

  • Camera pushing from right to left (Same direction as car)

  • Camera low to grough

Pan up + Track

  • Camera tracking car

  • Camera pans up and meets level with car

  • Camera level to car

Gear Shift to Steering Wheel

  • both shot 45 degrees or a little more to both gear shift and steering wheel

  • Move from a medium shot to wide shot

  • slight camera shake

  • hands jittering on wheel to create a more dynamic feel

Wrap around

  • Camera moves forward and then tracks car coming round

  • Main Car comes around 2nd car from left to right and pulls in close to camera

  • Actually a second shot getting closer

  • Very low angle

Photographer shot

  • Pulling out of photographer as he lifts camera to face

  • snapshots of photos of ight

Melior Studios

A video production company based in the UK. We sell Video assets and Photography Presets


The Masthead Shoot
